Saturday, March 31, 2007

two dreams about talking animals in two weeks!!

Last week I had a dream that Kari and I were riding our bikes near a river across from a huge city. It was pretty--there were huge skyscrapers and bridges and the water in the river was strangely ocean blue. But the weird thing was, Kari had tree branches sprouting out all over her body.

We rode our bikes under a bridge tagged with grafitti and encountered a growling dog. The dog attacked Kari and bit off some of her branches. She screamed and cried and we rode away on our bikes as fast as we could.

We rode up to a residential area and pulled into a driveway. There was a rabbit on the porch with its arm in a sling. It was a talking rabbit. A fucking talking rabbit. I asked it if we could come inside and use the phone. I thought maybe since the rabbit was injured, the people of the house would know how to help Kari out. They welcomed us warmly and gave Kari some bandages and aspirin, and gave us dinner. The rabbit got jealous that we were getting so much attention and jumped in my lap and started yelling at me. I called him insecure and an attention whore and he started shaking and crying and told me to shut up.

Yesterday's dream was blurrier but also involved an English-speaking animal. I was eating jello in some cabin in the woods and a wolf came to the door and asked if he could have some. I told him no, this was my jello and he got so angry he started shaking. He turned towards the woods, then turned around and said, "Well, it's not going to be just me who knows you have jello. I'm going to tell every wolf in the woods about your jello. Hahahahaa!!" I was like "NOOOOO!!!" then I woke up.

WTF? I haven't eaten jello since like 1989 and don't really want to eat why would I dream about it?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It was terrible. My grandma died and an old professor had to tell me about it. I couldn't find the strength to cry though. The grieving hadn't set in yet.

The professor decided to take me out for the day to help keep my mind off of it. We went to a carnival type gathering and there was a "coffin ride." You lay in a coffin, lid shut, then you rise up through the ground at a high speed and pop up and scare the other carnival goers. The professor impressed me with her knowledge of mechanical contraptions, asking the carney what type of engine the ride had, asking if we would be safe. I remember feeling a quirky admiration for my professor--just seeing a woman who knew about engines was rare.

Then we lied in the coffin and I woke up.