Wednesday, November 21, 2007

updatin' and hatin'

All I remember from a dream a few nights ago is my supervisor from work saying, "it's okay, I smoke weed too."

Last night's was another one from a slasher movie. I was with Brice and two co-workers of mine at this old house in the country that resembled my dad's old house very much. We were walking around exploring the house and goofing off. One of the coworkers went out one of the windows on the second floor onto the roof and there was a bunch of barbed wire on the roof and he was fenced in and trapped in some way I cannot now explain. The three of us were in the yard looking up at him and he was laughing at first, then seriously trying to get down and we all realized he was trapped. Then I saw a man with his hands bound behind his back--he looked like he was sleeping. There was an apple on the roof a foot or so from his mouth. It was creepy.

We started panicking. One of the coworkers said, "Oh no!" and grabbed a huge tree trunk from somewhere. He threw it up on the roof and somehow broke through the barbed wire. "Come down!" He yelled at the other guy. The guy jumped down into the yard and at the very same instant the sleeping man's eyes flipped open and he started squirming out of his bondage towards us.

I realized at that instant that he was trying to kill us and now he was awake. "Shit! RUN! That guy is alive!!" I screamed, and we all ran to the car. The guy was really close on our tails, but we all made it to the car, panting and shaking. The psycho was throwing rocks at the car and running really fast, keeping up with us even though we had to be driving around 70 m.p.h. We got away.

Later on in the dream I was back at the house, getting a box of my things I just had to have (the house was somehow now my dad's old house...the logic of dreams, you know). I saw the box of my prized possessions that were apparently worth risking my life for. I felt brave even though I knew there was a serial killer in the house somewhere. I was being quiet and careful so he couldn't hear me. Then as I was leaving, I was aware I was making enough noise that he could hear me, and I heard him stirring in the room on the second floor. I ran out of the house as fast as I could with the box. There was some sort of complication that prevented me from getting into the car so I had to run down the street with the box in my hands. There was music playing as I left the house (all I can recall is a slow, steady drum beat). It got louder and all of a sudden caught up to me when I was halfway down the street and realized he was right behind me. I ran around someone's house into their backyard (this was in my old neighborhood in high school and lake lorraine was right there past every backyard). Opened their back door under their deck. It was dark and I was terrified it would be locked and thinking 'who the hell wouldn't lock their door?!' but it was unlocked and I ran up the stairs and locked the door to the basement. I heard the psycho go "hmmph."

It was exactly like a horror movie---the killer was determined, hellbent on catching me and stabbing the shit out of me. It was almost comical, his face pale, blank, stoic, yet dogged, set on one mission.

I was terrified. I woke up terrified, and it was dark outside.