Tuesday, February 15, 2011

eatin' people

A dream about cannibalism! With one of the most awesome nicest girls I've ever met, Alicia. She was the one organizing it all. She had this cabin in the woods and a group of people who claimed they ate people to end their suffering and to help limit the use of farming and fossil fuels. I was horrified when she brought me to the cabin but she said, "We're helping these people. We only kill those who are sick or in pain and who want us to kill them and take away their suffering." There was a large grill outside. They hacked people up with an axe outside on a wooden platform. I avoided eating anything and Alicia kept staring at me and starting little arguments with me. She tried to steal my purse at one point: "Is this made of leather?" she said, "We should grill it!" It was the only dream I can remember smelling something. It smelled like death...the way it smells when you walk past a crematory. Carmelized onions that have been cooking for hours and hours. Or bloody beef. Ugh, I don't want to eat meat anymore.