Monday, October 31, 2005

ewww, creepy!

I had a pretty disturbing dream last night...pretty appropriate for Halloween, eh?

I was a prostitute! I was in some room, having sex with a professor of mine! A really creepy, scary looking professor, he taught my mythology class last semester. The guy is weird looking...he resembles a fly. He wore nothing but black and he had a bald head and huge glasses and scary teeth....not to mention a bitter hatred for most of humankind. We were in the dark and I had a veil over my face...he didn't know who I was.

Anyway, our session is interrupted by a police officer and he says we're both under for selling my body and he for having sex with a minor (I guess I was younger in the dream). We go into some interrogation room and the cop takes the veil off my face. The professor is shocked to see that it's me, one of his better students. I kind of glance at him and say, "Hii..." He has a strange smirk on his face and keeps forcing me to look at him, piercing me with his if to ask why I would be a prostitute..I guess he thought I was better than that.

I didn't feel that embarassed though, strangely enough. My professor and I talked about how silly the law is. I told the cop I had to do what I had to do to make money. He brought a priest into the room, who admonished us both for our sinful actions. He gave a really long and drawn out speech which told us we were going to burn in hell unless god took mercy on our wretched was very puritan. The prof and I just kept exchanging glances of "wow, this guy is an ass". It was apparent neither of us believed in heaven or hell.

Don't remember much else. All I can say is ewww. Usually when I have sex dreams, it's with someone I'm attracted to, not a creepy professor who's old enough to be my father.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

i'm deranged

Am I demented? Why why why why did I have a dream about people cooking puppies? I almost cried and threw up when I woke up. There was really no plot in the dream (but is there really a plot in any dream?). I mean, not much happened. I was just hanging out with some people (couldn't tell who they were) at some house (never seen it before). We were watching t.v. and there were two dogs hanging out with us. One was a bigger, older dog and the other was a cute little golden retriever puppy. I kept petting them and cuddling with them. Then the guy I was hanging out with called them into the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and looked in the skillet on the stove and saw two masses of meat frying--one puppy-sized and one a little bigger. I looked at the guy and screamed "WHYYYYY?!!!" And he was like "We have no other choice, Lissa. I'm sorry". Apparently we were in the middle of some economic depression. But eating puppies? Noooo! Why did I dream that? I love puppies. I love all tiny animals. Then the weirdest part of the dream happened. I went back in the living room and saw the dogs running around again.
