Thursday, May 22, 2008

player piano

I lived in an apartment that was in a suburban office building. What a weird place to live. I was in the kitchen of the apartment and Neko was there too, batting something around on the floor. I had a piano in the front room of the apartment and it started playing on its own.

I was home alone, just standing in the kitchen, cutting up vegetables, the whole house silent, and all of a sudden the air is blasted with some upbeat jazz-type song. I jump and scream, drop the knife and start shaking, petrified. Scared to go into the other room and see who's in there. I put both of my hands on the counter and take some deep breaths. I call out. No answer, the music keeps playing. I pick up Neko and hold her tight, because I'm horrified and she's the only other living thing in the room and I don't want to be alone. But she doesn't understand my fear and mrows and struggles to get out of my arms because she hates being picked up. After several minutes of deliberation and trembling, I throw open the door and rush into the room. No one there. The piano is playing by itself. The white keys are slammed down by invisible fingers and some crazy ragtime-sounding thing pours out. I scream and run out of the front door without looking back.

The first person I run into is a nicely dressed man in a suit, who must work at one in one of the offices in my building. I grab his shoulders and whimper and tell him what happened. He stands there awkwardly and pats my head, offering to come up to apartment with me. He tells me I probably have an old player piano and I just didn't know it. And I keep crying and screaming at him that it's my piano and I would know something like that. When we walk into my apartment, all is silent again. I'm so confused. The man looks at me like I'm crazy and tells me he has to get back to work. I leave when he does. I know the piano is trying to make a liar out of me and I don't want to be alone with it or whatever is in the room playing it.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

ATF bust!

I was living at my dad's old house in my old room and I'm laying on my bed reading something when my older brother Kenny throws the door open abruptly and enters with two guys. He says "Hey Liss, we need to find something we hid in here" and they start pulling up the mattress on my bed and beating on it with a hammer. They go around the room frantically opening drawers and digging things out of my closet, saying "Come on, we have to go! Move!" I just sit there in shock wondering what the hell my brother is up to, getting angrier with him with each object of mine they destroy. Then all of a sudden the window blinds raise up by themselves and I'm staring at the huge square window that's in the front room of the house I live in now. It's six feet tall and probably six feet wide, and there's a stained glass panel on the top of's a hundred year old house. And I sit there in confusion, wondering how I got to that room so fast. Then I see armed, uniformed men with suction cups on their shoes crawling on the window. They look like FBI. They have a loud speaker and tell us to freeze, that the house is surrounded. Kenny and his friends start to panic and scream "FUCK! SHIT!" Then the agents break the window and leap into my room, quickly handcuffing my brother and his friends and pulling massive bags of cocaine out of my mattress. They tell them they are under arrest and walk them out of the room. As they leave I ask "I can stay here right?" and the last officer out says "Yeah, you're cool."

Friday, May 02, 2008

no, not mah monies!!

This dream happened right before I woke up, which made it seem very real. I was looking at my bank statement and saw that I was overdrawn by $900. Then I saw that I had bought two round-trip plane tickets to Mexico--one to get there and come back to visit, then another to go back. It all cost $1700, twice as much as I had in the account. I couldn't remember when I had bought these and started freaking out because I was positive I didn't buy them. I felt like someone was messing with me and I was now completely broke. I pulled my hair and screamed.