Thursday, October 21, 2010

stealing from a gas station

Why is it that the only celebrity who appears in my dreams is Oprah Winfrey? Last night she was in my dream, and she was working behind the counter of a gas station. I was on a long road trip with Kari and one of her friends and we stopped because we were famished. I opened a bag of bread right inside the shop and got two pieces out. It was a thrill, and it was odd that no one said anything to me. Then I opened a package of cheese and put the cheese in the bread and stuffed the sandwich in my pocket. Then I got a box of cookies and starting walking out of the store, then I realized I wanted to pay for the cookies. I went up to the counter and Oprah started talking shit to me. "Yeah, you just conveniently forgot to pay for those cookies." She told me she had a gun behind the counter and wasn't afraid to use it and just kept making idle threats while I stood there smiling and agreeing, anxious to get out of there and eat.

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