Thursday, October 31, 2019

But how did the alligators get in the house?

Last night's dream was messed up. Matiah and I decided to plan ahead for my death and buy a coffin for me, and then we went a step further and decided to put a copy of my body in the coffin and bury it.

We went through some process by which I lay in the coffin, someone takes a picture and that somehow makes a copy of my body, and then I get out and my other body, my dead body, lies there in the coffin.

Matiah thought it would be a nice way to honor me by carving out a piece of the table and putting the coffin there. For some reason it was a big, thick table that we didn't need to put our legs under? So everytime we sat at the table, I'd notice the rectangular lines where the coffin inset was, and I'd trace my finger over it, fascinated, and say, "Here I am." Matiah would look up from reading the newspaper and put his hand on mine and say, "Yeah, baby, there you are. I'm glad it's out of the way and I don't have to bury you again. I couldn't stand to lose you again." Whatever that meant. My real body would eventually die right? I just had a feeling there were tons of unsolved phenomenon in this dream world, but it was a perfectly normal thing to bury oneself before one actually died.

Then for some reason it wasn't working for us to have the coffin under the table--or it was too sad a reminder of my death or something, so Matiah sawed a space in the floorboard and put the coffin under the house. I watched him do it and it was a swampy, watery other world down there. There were reptiles and fish, and I was worried about putting the coffin down there with all these aquatic critters. Then I saw two small alligators and panicked. "They'll eat my corpse! We can't put it down here!" Matiah reassured me and said the alligators couldn't get through the coffin. A few weeks later we open the floorboard to check on it, and the coffin was open and laying on its side in the shallow water. I was afraid to look because I didn't want to see my own rotting, mangled flesh, ripped up by hungry alligators, but when I finally looked I saw a mangled up fake body--a rubber mannequin body, not my body at all. "That's what was in there the whole time, not my real body?" I asked Matiah. He shrugged, as puzzled as me. I saw a sassy little alligator sitting proudly on a log, licking his lips, satisfied that he'd gotten into my coffin and eaten my corpse. I got so angry I lunged at it with my fist in the air, yelling something at it. It hissed at me, jumped in the water and swam away.

I cried about how hard this all was while Matiah consoled me. Then I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that alligators were in the house at all--the space under our floorboards wasn't outside--it was contained within our house, so why was it a damp otherworld that housed all these critters? I kept asking Matiah and I don't remember his explanation but it wasn't good enough and I felt more puzzled than I ever had. Then all of a sudden we were in a dry house with a sliding glass door and I saw two armadillos. They were sort of cute but I was still angry so I ran to the door, opened it, and shooed them out. They left, scared.

In the next part of the dream, Matiah was playing a really awesome and strange sounding synthesizer, seemingly making up songs as he went. It sounded like the weird moog music on that ode to plants album from the 70s. At some point he had little figurines in his hands and was using them to tell a wordless story. He moved the keyboard around so all five people in the room could see the tiny objects he was holding.

That's all I remember.

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