Sunday, August 14, 2005

the factory

This is going to be really fuzzy and non-sensical. Last night's dream was set way in the future and metal covered the earth. Factories everywhere, robots, workers, the sound of industry. I was walking to school with some friends...this means I was not outside...there was no view of nature anywhere. I could not see the sun, just walking to school through a dark, massive place filled with cogs and gears. Then I met Zach. That was the first time I met him. He had a girlfriend named Annike, whom he'd had for 3 years. But he was hitting on me. I told him to talk to me when he was single. The next day I was at work (I don't know what my job was, I just know I was carrying stuff back and forth). I saw Zach again and felt very attracted to him. We ended up going out to eat. I went to his house and he had pictures of Annike all over his wall and two of me by his bed. I got angry and shouted a few dirty insults at him.

After my lunch break I went back to work and found myself having a hard time trying to carry the heavy objects from place to the other. Some Mexican lady and her two daughters came by and gave me pitying looks and patted my shoulders. She told me the stuff would feel lighter if I put a plastic bag full of water under my arm. It didn't make sense and I asked her, 'why would that help me? I'll still have the same amount of heavy stuff to carry." She told me to trust her, it works. So I tried it just to amuse her but low and behold, it worked. Then the lady told me "Have a good day. And take care of yourself. Because there's a war coming, you know."

Then I got scared. For the rest of the dream, everyone was talking in foreign languages, making preparations for the war. I kept seeing sad mothers with sallow faces and crying the ones you see in pictures from the Holocaust. I had a favorite bar I hung out at, and always saw Zach there but never went home with him again. The Mexican lady continued to help me everyday at work and she always comforted me and patted my back because I was so depressed about Zach.


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