Tuesday, September 06, 2005

¡quiero un gatito!

What's up with all the violent dreams I've been having lately? Last night I had a dream that I got into a fight with my roomate Sarah! I found an adorable gray kitty in the street and decided to bring it home. I was so happy, it was exactly the kind of cat I'd been looking for. I walk into my house to find Sarah sitting on the couch crying. I was like, "What's wrong?" and she snapped.

"I'll tell you what's wrong, you godamned smoker! I'm sick of you guys smoking in the house!! Do you know how bad it bothers my allergies?! It gives me the worst headaches!"

"I'm sorry. I only smoke in my room. You should ask Carrie and Kinu to stop smoking in the living room, because it's not me."

"Whatever. Tell those fucking smokers to stop smoking in the godamned house! I pay rent here too, bitch!"

"Whoa, settle down. I said I was sorry."

"And what's with that cat? You get a cat? After I told you I'm allergic to them, what do you do--bring one home! You guys don't even care about me! Bring that godamned cat outside because it's not living here!"

"You may be able to tell me I can't smoke in the house, but I'm not giving the kitten up. You can just take some fucking nasal spray and deal with it! I'm keeping the kitty!"

And then she was like, "Oh yeah? You're keeping it huh?" and she got up from the couch and lunged at me and tried to tear the kitty out of my arms. "Give me that stupid cat! I'm putting him outside!!"

"NOOOO! My kitty!"

---violent struggling; cat tug-of-war---

"Get rid of that fucking cat or I will!"

"NOOOOOO!! Kitty stays!!!"

Finally, the kitten freaked out and jumped out of my arms and ran outside. Then it was just Sarah and I, shoving eachother and yelling mean things.

"Fucking SMOKER! You're gonna die of cancer, bitch!!"

"Kitty hater!! You're gonna die of a broken heart because no one's going to love you because you HATE KITTIES!!!"

I guess I woke up out of frustration. I suppose I'm more pissed than I thought that I can't have a kitten. I mean, people go away to college so they don't have to live by their parents' rules....I don't know how many times my dad said no to me keeping some stray animal I found. But it's really no different now. I still have to live by someone else's rules.

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