Sunday, November 20, 2005

car pusher

My car died and some guys pulled up alongside of me and started laughing at me. They said, "You'll just have to push it home." I started pushing it and it was going pretty fast. It passed their car. "Well, a Honda may beat a Ford, but a Toyota beats a Honda" someone said, and the guys got into a Toyota and started racing me. I was like "Fuck off! You don't race a car that is broken down, ass!" But I somehow passed them. I pushed my little Honda past a stoplight that was miraculously green at the right time and down a hilly road. It gained so much speed going down the hill I lost it. I was so freaked out, thinking it would run into something and I'd never see it again. But it stopped at the bottom of the hill and I ran down and started pushing it back up. It was hard work. I was sweating and grunting. Then I woke up.

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