Sunday, November 06, 2005

the ominous moldy hair strikes again

I went to sleep with my wet hair wrapped in a towel. As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered why hair doesn't mildew like other damp things in dark places. Then my hair mildewed.

I woke up and looked in the mirror to see moldy green hair all over my head. And it smelled really bad. It looked like I had big dreadlocks made out of green fungus. I tried washing it but it wouldn't come out. I called my mom crying and she said "Oh honey, how many times have I told you not to go to sleep with wet hair? It'll go away, just give it time." Later in the dream, my head started hurting so I went to see a doctor. He said, "Oh, this is not good" and took a sample of the moldy hair and then left the room. I sat in the exam room for quite some time. The doctor came back in with a really worried look on his face. He told me the mold on my hair had seeped into my scalp and parts of my brain were molding and that was why my head hurt. He cried when he told me he was sorry but I didn't have much longer to live. He said only one case of this disease had been documented. The next thing I knew there were people taking pictures of me and scientists and doctors asking me questions. They said they were going to put my case in medical textbooks. I made the front page of a newspaper. I felt like an alien. Weeeeird!

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