Saturday, April 01, 2006

I'd kill the bastard.

One of the most horrifying nightmares I've ever had.

I was pregnant. And I didn't even notice it until Brice pointed it out. He did it so non-chalantly. "Look, you're three months pregnant." I look down. My stomach is swollen and I'm in such disbelief that I know it could only be a nightmare. But it seems so realistic. I scream. "AAAAAARHHHHGGGGG!!"

Crying. Worrying. Pacing around wondering what I'm going to do. Everyone else acting normal, like it's not a big deal I have a fucking human in my stomach. My life is over. I wonder how to kill it. How to kill myself. I run to Brice and scream, "I have to do something!" he pats me on the back and tells me there's nothing we can do about it, that we'll just have to be parents. "Too late for an abortion," he says, "we'll just keep it at my parents house while we're at work and school." Nooooooooo!!

I slap his chest and cry and scream as he tries to calm me down. I want to die. I can't handle a kid. I can barely take care of myself. I get angry that Brice and Ali and Carrie continue to sit in the dining room and play cards as I cry and grow more and more suicidal. I tell them I'm leaving to die somewhere. They say, "No, don't do that. You'll kill that baby. Sit down and chill out." No one looks up from the card game.

I was never so relieved to wake up as I was that morning.

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