Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cat Kingdom

In last night's dream, the pervading theme was a moment of terrible indecision. I was trying on a pair of shoes I adored but couldn't decide whether or not to buy them, because they looked very similar to the ones I already had. The old sneakers were torn up and dirty, but I couldn't shake that terrible feeling that I was a boring person for buying the same shoes. The friends who were with me were laughing because I wanted to buy shoes so similar to the ones I already had. So I spent hours in the store in a state of panic about whether or not to buy the shoes.

In the next part of the dream, I was walking around the woods with a group of friends, looking for a place with "good vibes."

"This place is great," I said as I opened a gate. "The chick who lives here kind of has some negative energy, but the place has good vibes."

In the last part, we were in a clearing in the woods, surrounded by groups of cats of various colors and sizes. I pet an orange one and it talked to me. "Stay here," it told me, "this place has good vibes."

Monday, December 28, 2009

typical ending

Me, Winona Ryder, and Anthony Hopkins. My dream was bits and pieces of a movie I'd seen before and I was reliving the scenes with Winona Ryder. Anthony Hopkins was Hannibal Lector and was doggedly pursuing Winona Ryder, whoever she was supposed to be...she sure wasn't Clarice Starling. Anthony Hopkins was obsessed with her and I was her friend. We traveled from place to place witnessing his atrocities. At a crowded nightclub, he discreetly stabbed a young woman and carried her body out of the place. He kept following us around, saying creepy things to Winona Ryder about how lovely she looked and how she was next. He was skilled and sly, always hiding in places eyes never wandered. At a party we had in our house, he hid in a cabinet and stayed there until after everyone left. We were in the kitchen drinking tea when he jumped out and attacked her. I was horrified and powerless as she screamed and I struggled to pry her from his arms. He threw me to the floor and left with her struggling and slung over his shoulders. I was devastated. I knew he would eat her and I'd never see her again. But the next week she ran into the house, nearly naked and shivering. She cried in my arms and recounted the hours she'd spent imprisoned in his basement.

We went through the whole house bolting doors and reinforcing windows. We were terrified but too terrified to leave the house. We stayed there and waited, knowing he would come. And he did, sneaking in through a rooftop window we had overlooked. He laughed wickedly and took her by the neck. He cradled her in his arms and danced a tango with her as she whimpered and struggled. "You're mine this time," he whispered into her ear with an ugly toothy grin. But all of a sudden, four of our leather-clad anarchist friends jumped through the windows with hatchets and clubs. "Not this time!" one of them yelled. Another screamed, "We're gonna beat you to death, you maggot!" They began swinging their weapons at Anthony Hopkins and Winona Ryder escaped his clutches once again, running into my arms. They beat him brutally. They pounded his head and stomach with the clubs and hacked him bloody with spears. I thought for sure this time that we'd be safe from him once and for all.

But soon enough we were riding an escalator to the second floor of a shopping mall (or was it an airport?) and I realized I knew what was coming. "We have to turn around and go back downstairs and leave," I told her desperately. I told her I knew what was about to happen because I'd seen this scene before. He was waiting for her upstairs and she was finally going to meet her end. She looked at me stone-faced and said, "I have to go up there then. I can't change the scene." I knew she was right and I cried for her fate.

The next thing I knew, she was wearing some sort of peasant maid's costume and stepping into a wooden cart where other costumed people sat on wooden benches surrounded by hay. I waved goodbye jovially and she waved back. Then I noticed the costumed man sitting to her right, flashing me an evil grin. It was HIM, face painted white and red, wearing a gray curly wig. My stomach dropped and the cart drove away, getting smaller and smaller in the distance. Winona Ryder kept smiling and waving and that's the last time I saw her.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


It's been so long but last night's dream was so vivid. There was my roommate Ashley sulking and asking me if I had any cigarettes. There was my father on the phone, starting to get angry and cursing at me. "I haven't heard from you in how long? You only call when you want something. Rah rah rah!" There was the German guy I met at dinner last night, shouting something about German language to me over all the noise. There were other vivid scenes too. I hate those really real dreams. They sometimes leave me uneasy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

There was big gathering at my house and my ex and his family were there too. I don't know what the big event was, but they were celebrating something I had accomplished. It was the end of the night, and everyone was chilling in the living room, playing Guitar Hero and Wii bowling. Everyone had brought their pets, so there were tiny dogs everywhere. I went into my room and laid down. I wanted a nap, but the noise in the living room was pretty loud. There were two cats and a very stubborn pug on my bed. The pug lay on my chest. For some reason his presence was annoying me. I pushed him off. He held firm, like a tiny little mass of muscles stronger than mine. I picked him up and carried to the door. He yipped and growled in the quiet way a pug does. I put him outside of the room, in the hall, and he ran back in the room and jumped on the bed. I was so tired I stopped fighting.

I woke up an hour later and jumped out of my bed. My window shade was open and I became aware that my ex was outside on the terrace, sitting in one of the patio chairs, watching me. I went back into the living room. My ex's mom and sister were snuggled up on the couch. I snuggled up with them. His sister played with my hair. I told her how sad I was about losing her brother. We both cried and she said, "I know. You're such a doll!" I realized they were about to leave very soon and I hadn't spent any time at all with my ex. I rushed out to the terrace with this heavy sense of urgency, pushing past the other people on the terrace to run towards him. He looked so small. I felt crushed, like I was losing an old friend. My heart sank as I saw him in the corner, drinking vodka straight from the bottle. I hurried towards him and saw that he looked miserable. "Hey!" I shouted, trying to sound chipper. He gave me a pained look and took a long, hard swig from the bottle. He looked angry and sad. He made a snide remark, something like, "You're gonna go to Sasquatch Festival again this year? You're gonna spend like 1500 dollars."

That's all I remember.

Friday, October 09, 2009

trampy wench

Wow, a dream. Finally. I haven't dreamt in so long. I'm now in Spain for the next year. Maybe it's so awesome here I finally sleep well enough at night to dream.

As usual, it was a weird one.

I was in London, and had agreed to meet some guy in a pub, a blind date sort of thing. We met and drank and laughed and I was really turned on by his accent. After a few beers, he said "I dare you to take your shirt off and meet me upstairs." I guess my dreams include bad stereotypes where one sort of information is filtered from random movies into my brain and all British pubs are also inns that have rooms upstairs. Anyway, I was drunk and I took my shirt off right there in the pub. I heard shouts and hoots from the bar. A disgruntled old bartender, who was drying a glass, glared at me and said "As long as you're going upstairs, honey." I stumbled upstairs to an attic with a low ceiling. A middle-aged woman was in the room and gasped when she saw me. She went downstairs. I waited for the guy and started to feel silly sitting there naked. I was relieved to find clothes in the bathroom and put a shirt on. The woman came back into the room and called down the stairs to her young son that it was okay to come up now. I felt like such a tramp.

The guy finally came up and I half-laughed and half-shouted at him. Then we wrestled drunkenly, playfully. Then I fell into a deep sleep, cuddling with him.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

dream on

I don't dream anymore. My dreams are dead.

When I sleep, it's so deep and desperate that I don't remember a thing. Sometimes it's because I'm drunk. Sometimes it's because I'm so tired.

I want to dream again.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

crazy brother

I haven't dreamt in so long. And last night's dream was odd in my brain's typical fashion:

My schizophrenic little brother ran away from his group home again and in the course of searching for him, an officer of the law approached my mother and I to inform us that he had purchased a very high tech piece of equipment from the Russians. It was like one of those little wind-up car you push backwards to propel it forward, only it was a tiny spacecraft. It had enough umph in it to send it into space.

I saw him in a convenience store, much like the gwog. He was buying a forty ounce of some or other malt liquor. "What the hell are you doing with that thing?!" I ran up behind him and demanded. He was dragging it around on a leash. It was small and gray and shiny. It looked like a prop from a sci-fi movie, of a tiny space shuttle.

He laughed his usual drunken laughter. "I'm gonna send my soul into outer space!" He chuckled and ran outside. "But do you know how dangerous that is?!" I ran behind him.

Then he was gone and his little space shuttle remained. Curiosity got me and I put a little pressure on it and pulled it back about 20 ft. then let it go. It zipped up into the air and out of sight. Then it occurred to me that my little brother was probably inside of it.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Goat Soup

Why do I have dreams about dead animals? What f*&^ed up stuff is going on in my inner cerebrum?

I don't remember the exact details of last night's dream but I know I was having an argument with my mom and she was telling me to move out of her house. She wouldn't give me a reason, she was just being really mean to me. She made me dinner and I sat there in agony, wondering where I would move on such short notice.

"You want lamb or goat, Liss?" She asks. For some reason I go "Mmm, sounds delicious."

She brings two large soup tureens to the table and lifts one of the lids to reveal a DEAD GOAT. A tiny goat, about the size of a cat, but a goat. She lifts it out with tongs and it is black and gray and its eyes are rolled back in its head. She does the same thing with the other bowl of soup. It smells very good but it is a very disturbing image and I scream and start crying and vomiting.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Breast feeding

I had a dream that I had a baby. It was tiny and had huge brown eyes that looked like Brice's. I was really freaked out by the whole thing and everyone around me was making a big fuss and talking about how cute it was.

Some girl picked it up and said, "He's hungry, Liss. Time to feed him."

And I looked down and the baby was looking up at me with huge hungry eyes. I looked at it for a while and it looked at my chest and I finally realized what the girl was talking about. Oh no, I thought. How uncomfortable.

I didn't want to breast feed the baby. I couldn't let it starve either. It was the weirdest feeling I've ever had. I didn't want the baby and I didn't want anything going anywhere near my nipples. How do mothers deal with that? That's what the nipples are there for, I know, but it's still weird to me for some reason.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Basically I went to bed thinking about this very awkward dating situation last night and had a dream that we went on a road trip and he abandoned me and acted like a complete dick.