Wednesday, September 26, 2007

jack-o-lantern kidnapping!

In last night's dream I was babysitting.

It just Lowell and I, like it used to be when I sat on Wednesday mornings and Carl was at school. For some reason they had dogs, three of them (in reality they don't) and the dogs were talking.

I was reading Lowell some little cardboard books and he was laughing and squealing, making noises and pointing--just being a cutie as usual. I went to the bathroom and when I came back Lowell was gone. I flipped out and the dogs helped me look around the house for him. Then one of the dogs ran to the window and yelled, "Look, here he is!"

I ran to the window and looked out. Down in the road I saw a jack-o-lantern with an evil smile that was also a carriage being pulled by two black horses. Lowell was wobbling into it and the pumpkin was laughing cruelly. I screamed "NOO!!" then Lowell was gone and the jack-o-lantern was vanishing, with Lowell inside of it. My stomach dropped; I felt like I'd never get him back.

One of the dogs shouted, "It's a portkey! You have to find the pumpkin to get the baby back!" so I spent a long time searching around the house and outside for the pumpkin, following the sounds of its sinister laughter. George came home early, for lunch, and flipped out, saying not to call Devoney yet.

We searched everywhere and George was sweating and frantic, telling me he'd never allow me to sit for them again. But we finally found the pumpkin in the yard. As soon as I touched it, Lowell appeared, laughing and cooing.


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