Wednesday, December 14, 2005

the last squirrel on earth

I was standing under a huge old tree in the middle of a field. It was near dusk and I couldn't see any sign of civilization anywhere around me. I started getting scared and sat down against the tree to contemplate how I would get home, wherever that was...

I didn't know what to think so I decided to just get up and start walking out into the field. As soon as I stood up, a bunch of dogs and squirrels fell out of the tree and landed all around me. I freaked out...I didn't realize they were even up there. Until then I had felt like the only person on earth, so I was happy to see the cute little animals. But the squirrels ran away and the dogs started growling at me and barking. Then they chased after the squirrels.

I started running the opposite direction of the animals into the field. I ran and ran for what seemed like hours looking for a house or a phone...but I never found one. I was still running when I awoke from the dream.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

space girl kicks another one

But at least this time it happened in a dream. I was walking across that busy intersection by domino's to go to class (a very dangerous and possibly lethal pedestrian act) and I kicked something. It clattered over the pavement and came to a stop. I looked down and saw it was a big, blood-covered bone. What animal it came from I know not. But I stopped and stared at it for a while and started crying. I was scared it might have been a human bone, from some idiot trying to walk to class, possibly hit and killed by a rich kid in his or her brand new bmw, some stupid pop song blaring all the while. I was scared. I was also feeling sad for the animal (if that's what it was) and frustrated with myself that I don't pay enough attention. Sad dream. Boo.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

car pusher

My car died and some guys pulled up alongside of me and started laughing at me. They said, "You'll just have to push it home." I started pushing it and it was going pretty fast. It passed their car. "Well, a Honda may beat a Ford, but a Toyota beats a Honda" someone said, and the guys got into a Toyota and started racing me. I was like "Fuck off! You don't race a car that is broken down, ass!" But I somehow passed them. I pushed my little Honda past a stoplight that was miraculously green at the right time and down a hilly road. It gained so much speed going down the hill I lost it. I was so freaked out, thinking it would run into something and I'd never see it again. But it stopped at the bottom of the hill and I ran down and started pushing it back up. It was hard work. I was sweating and grunting. Then I woke up.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

the ominous moldy hair strikes again

I went to sleep with my wet hair wrapped in a towel. As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered why hair doesn't mildew like other damp things in dark places. Then my hair mildewed.

I woke up and looked in the mirror to see moldy green hair all over my head. And it smelled really bad. It looked like I had big dreadlocks made out of green fungus. I tried washing it but it wouldn't come out. I called my mom crying and she said "Oh honey, how many times have I told you not to go to sleep with wet hair? It'll go away, just give it time." Later in the dream, my head started hurting so I went to see a doctor. He said, "Oh, this is not good" and took a sample of the moldy hair and then left the room. I sat in the exam room for quite some time. The doctor came back in with a really worried look on his face. He told me the mold on my hair had seeped into my scalp and parts of my brain were molding and that was why my head hurt. He cried when he told me he was sorry but I didn't have much longer to live. He said only one case of this disease had been documented. The next thing I knew there were people taking pictures of me and scientists and doctors asking me questions. They said they were going to put my case in medical textbooks. I made the front page of a newspaper. I felt like an alien. Weeeeird!

Monday, October 31, 2005

ewww, creepy!

I had a pretty disturbing dream last night...pretty appropriate for Halloween, eh?

I was a prostitute! I was in some room, having sex with a professor of mine! A really creepy, scary looking professor, he taught my mythology class last semester. The guy is weird looking...he resembles a fly. He wore nothing but black and he had a bald head and huge glasses and scary teeth....not to mention a bitter hatred for most of humankind. We were in the dark and I had a veil over my face...he didn't know who I was.

Anyway, our session is interrupted by a police officer and he says we're both under for selling my body and he for having sex with a minor (I guess I was younger in the dream). We go into some interrogation room and the cop takes the veil off my face. The professor is shocked to see that it's me, one of his better students. I kind of glance at him and say, "Hii..." He has a strange smirk on his face and keeps forcing me to look at him, piercing me with his if to ask why I would be a prostitute..I guess he thought I was better than that.

I didn't feel that embarassed though, strangely enough. My professor and I talked about how silly the law is. I told the cop I had to do what I had to do to make money. He brought a priest into the room, who admonished us both for our sinful actions. He gave a really long and drawn out speech which told us we were going to burn in hell unless god took mercy on our wretched was very puritan. The prof and I just kept exchanging glances of "wow, this guy is an ass". It was apparent neither of us believed in heaven or hell.

Don't remember much else. All I can say is ewww. Usually when I have sex dreams, it's with someone I'm attracted to, not a creepy professor who's old enough to be my father.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

i'm deranged

Am I demented? Why why why why did I have a dream about people cooking puppies? I almost cried and threw up when I woke up. There was really no plot in the dream (but is there really a plot in any dream?). I mean, not much happened. I was just hanging out with some people (couldn't tell who they were) at some house (never seen it before). We were watching t.v. and there were two dogs hanging out with us. One was a bigger, older dog and the other was a cute little golden retriever puppy. I kept petting them and cuddling with them. Then the guy I was hanging out with called them into the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and looked in the skillet on the stove and saw two masses of meat frying--one puppy-sized and one a little bigger. I looked at the guy and screamed "WHYYYYY?!!!" And he was like "We have no other choice, Lissa. I'm sorry". Apparently we were in the middle of some economic depression. But eating puppies? Noooo! Why did I dream that? I love puppies. I love all tiny animals. Then the weirdest part of the dream happened. I went back in the living room and saw the dogs running around again.


Friday, September 09, 2005

hang the witch

I was in this town hall type place and there were rows of people sitting and watching a trial of some sort. The woman at the front of the room said, "The jury finds the defendant guilty. The penalty is death. Hanging is scheduled for tomorrow at nine a.m."

I found out later that the woman judge who announced that the man would be hung was also the man's girlfriend. Along with everyone else in the town I watched the guards put a noose around the man's neck and the judge stood there crying, looking at the man and saying, "I'm sorry."

Later in the dream, I found myself in jail. Then I found myself at a trial, just like the one I had watched. It was decided that I was to be hanged. I didn't know what I was guilty of. I kept crying and asking everyone what I did wrong.

The next day I stood in front of all the townspeople, trying to brace myself for death. The guard asked me if I had any last words and I said "I don't wanna die!" I was crying my eyes out. I was incredibly scared. I kept asking them what I did wrong and telling them I didn't want to die. The judge looked at me and said, "I know. No one does. I'm sorry."

So the guards put the noose around my neck and kicked the chair I was standing on from under me. Everyone left the room and I was just hanging there, waiting to die. Then I realized I could still breathe and it would be easy to get out of the noose. So I made sure no one was watching from the next room and struggled out of the rope. Then I snuck quietly out of the front doors of the town hall. I had escaped death. I ran far away from the place and somehow found my car and got in it.

I was constantly paranoid that the cops would find me and hang me again, with better results than last time. So I put duct tape over my license plate so no one could see the numbers. And I dyed my hair blonde and wore huge sunglasses everywhere I went. The last part of the dream I remember is seeing my mom in some coffee shop. She hugged me and said, "I thought you were dead." We were both crying. Then we noticed there was a cop a few tables away from us and he looked right at me. Then I woke up.

It's kind of like the short story by Stephen Crane called Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge. And the Twilight Zone episode of the same name. But different ending of course.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

¡quiero un gatito!

What's up with all the violent dreams I've been having lately? Last night I had a dream that I got into a fight with my roomate Sarah! I found an adorable gray kitty in the street and decided to bring it home. I was so happy, it was exactly the kind of cat I'd been looking for. I walk into my house to find Sarah sitting on the couch crying. I was like, "What's wrong?" and she snapped.

"I'll tell you what's wrong, you godamned smoker! I'm sick of you guys smoking in the house!! Do you know how bad it bothers my allergies?! It gives me the worst headaches!"

"I'm sorry. I only smoke in my room. You should ask Carrie and Kinu to stop smoking in the living room, because it's not me."

"Whatever. Tell those fucking smokers to stop smoking in the godamned house! I pay rent here too, bitch!"

"Whoa, settle down. I said I was sorry."

"And what's with that cat? You get a cat? After I told you I'm allergic to them, what do you do--bring one home! You guys don't even care about me! Bring that godamned cat outside because it's not living here!"

"You may be able to tell me I can't smoke in the house, but I'm not giving the kitten up. You can just take some fucking nasal spray and deal with it! I'm keeping the kitty!"

And then she was like, "Oh yeah? You're keeping it huh?" and she got up from the couch and lunged at me and tried to tear the kitty out of my arms. "Give me that stupid cat! I'm putting him outside!!"

"NOOOO! My kitty!"

---violent struggling; cat tug-of-war---

"Get rid of that fucking cat or I will!"

"NOOOOOO!! Kitty stays!!!"

Finally, the kitten freaked out and jumped out of my arms and ran outside. Then it was just Sarah and I, shoving eachother and yelling mean things.

"Fucking SMOKER! You're gonna die of cancer, bitch!!"

"Kitty hater!! You're gonna die of a broken heart because no one's going to love you because you HATE KITTIES!!!"

I guess I woke up out of frustration. I suppose I'm more pissed than I thought that I can't have a kitten. I mean, people go away to college so they don't have to live by their parents' rules....I don't know how many times my dad said no to me keeping some stray animal I found. But it's really no different now. I still have to live by someone else's rules.

Monday, September 05, 2005

indifference to being punched in the face.

In last night's dream, I was walking around downtown with Brice. We were holding hands. He never used to hold my hand. We ran into a group of people he knew and we stopped to talk to them. Among these people was his ex-girlfriend. He looked excited. He said, "Hey, how are you doing?!" and she was all smiles. She said, "I'm great! How about you?" He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. She kissed him on his cheek. They were giggling. Then they kissed eachother on the lips....all while he was holding my hand.

I let go of his hand and shoved him and punched her in the nose. It didn't bother her. She didn't even look at me. She wiped her nose and she and Brice continued chatting. I walked away. Then I woke up.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

well then...

Last night's dream: Ali was back in the country! We were all like "What the fuck are you doing home? Did you take a detour through the U.S. or something?" And she was like, "I couldn't take it anymore. I missed everyone so much that I used all I had to buy a plane ticket home". She was really drunk, mind you. We were all like, "That's fucking stupid! You had this great opportunity to live in Europe for 10 months, why the fuck aren't you over there!!" And she was just like "shrug". We were all really mad at her. Then she tried to have sex with Micah and he ran to me with a scared look on his face and hugged me.

Ali would not do this. She may miss us, but she's a free spirit and never has a boyfriend or anything like that to hold her back from traveling.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


It's 4 in the morning and I just woke up from what I guess I would call a nightmare....and I'm terrified to go back to sleep. But it wasn't really a nightmare. I guess people call it lucid dreaming, where you feel like you're awake but weird shit is going on and people are talking to you...hallucinations. But you can't really tell people you've been hallucinating can you? Without them trying to get you committed into a mental hospital anyway. I drifted off at about two in the morning only to wake up two hours later to voices in my head. First I heard a deep, demonic-like voice saying "floor seven please". Then I heard someone calling my name outside in the driveway. Then I dreamt that I went to a movie theater with Brice and Carey and they had a gay Asian friend who kissed them both on the cheek. And when Brice kissed him back, he kissed him on the mouth too. The gay guy said, "oohh, I like Brice". And I started to say, "hey, back off" then I heard laughter. Wild laughter that sounded like a bunch of drunk people who had just heard something really funny. And I was sure I was awake, looking at my wall, but I didn't know where the laughter was coming from. It died down and then started back up again. I kept thinking, "How could I hear this laughter?" Then I thought, well if I can hear laughter, I can hear really scary noises too, right? I guess subconciously I pushed myself to hear the scary noises....and then I heard demonic laughter. And then I freaked out. My eyes were open, I was staring at my room, but shit was floating in the air. Like saucepans and stuff. And I saw shadows moving all around. Then I heard a really raspy "grrrr" noise. It was like the noise those demon things in the movie Ghost made. I couldn't turn it off. I couldn't wake up. I was powerless there, sitting in my bed, trying to move and call out but I was paralyzed. I felt my head pulsing and wondered if I'd ever be able to move again. I got a headache sitting there trying to come to terms with what was happening or figure out if I was awake or what..Finally I pulled myself out of it and turned on the light. It was the fucking scariest thing that happened to me in a long time....

It happened to me one other time, when I was 16. I was in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho for 4th of July weekend with my mom and younger brother and we were staying in my stepdad's aunt's house (she wasn't there). It was an old house and I slept in a little guest room. I heard what sounded like the voice of satan talking to me. There were fast, garbled whispers in my ear that I couldn't understand and evil laughter. I thought I was awake that time too. My mom said a "haint" got on me, whatever the fuck that means. I wish there was a way to protect myself from those "dreams"....I never want to be scared to sleep again.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


In last night's dream, I was on my way to work when I discovered my tank was almost on empty. At the gas station, I was about to get out of my car and fill up the tank when a tall man in an official looking suit approaches me.

"I'm sorry, you can't have any gasoline today."


"I'm sure you've heard about the new gasoline regulation act?"

"No! I need gas! I need to go to work today!"

"I'm sorry'll probably get a voucher for ten dollars worth of gas at the end of the month."


So I left the gas station and tried to make it to work but ran out of gas. My car sputtered to the shoulder and I started banging my head on the steering wheel.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

the factory

This is going to be really fuzzy and non-sensical. Last night's dream was set way in the future and metal covered the earth. Factories everywhere, robots, workers, the sound of industry. I was walking to school with some friends...this means I was not outside...there was no view of nature anywhere. I could not see the sun, just walking to school through a dark, massive place filled with cogs and gears. Then I met Zach. That was the first time I met him. He had a girlfriend named Annike, whom he'd had for 3 years. But he was hitting on me. I told him to talk to me when he was single. The next day I was at work (I don't know what my job was, I just know I was carrying stuff back and forth). I saw Zach again and felt very attracted to him. We ended up going out to eat. I went to his house and he had pictures of Annike all over his wall and two of me by his bed. I got angry and shouted a few dirty insults at him.

After my lunch break I went back to work and found myself having a hard time trying to carry the heavy objects from place to the other. Some Mexican lady and her two daughters came by and gave me pitying looks and patted my shoulders. She told me the stuff would feel lighter if I put a plastic bag full of water under my arm. It didn't make sense and I asked her, 'why would that help me? I'll still have the same amount of heavy stuff to carry." She told me to trust her, it works. So I tried it just to amuse her but low and behold, it worked. Then the lady told me "Have a good day. And take care of yourself. Because there's a war coming, you know."

Then I got scared. For the rest of the dream, everyone was talking in foreign languages, making preparations for the war. I kept seeing sad mothers with sallow faces and crying the ones you see in pictures from the Holocaust. I had a favorite bar I hung out at, and always saw Zach there but never went home with him again. The Mexican lady continued to help me everyday at work and she always comforted me and patted my back because I was so depressed about Zach.


Saturday, August 13, 2005


Last night's dream was straight out of a horror movie. I had different parents. We just moved into a haunted house. I got ready for bed and went into my new room to find that there was blood all over the bed. I screamed and tried to run out of the room but the door slammed in my face. I opened it and ran to my parents. They told me to sleep on the couch and shut their door. I kept trying to get into their room because I was so freaked out, but the door was locked. I had to spend the rest of the night with a ghost. Ewww, I hate nightmares.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the thing about it is....

I started a blog. Yeay. I will use this blog to record all the dreams I have. Shit yeah.